Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hospital ETO Sterilizer

We at “Krishna Engineering” occupied in offering a competitive range of Hospital ETO Sterilizer. The process of sterilization in the hospitals is undoubtedly a major concern and requires to be taken care very accurately. ETO Sterilizer Manufacturer is being widely used in the entire medical industry, Pharmaceuticals industry and also the surgical industry in order to sterilize the medical sensitive to heat. Our ETO sterilizer has potentiality to kill pathogens and temperature distribution in the heating chamber.

We are one of the best largest manufacturer and supplier of excellent quality ETO Sterilizer that is used for sterilizing of surgery equipments and tools.  Our major product series includes ETO Sterilizer, Hospital ETO Sterilizer, and Pharma Steam Sterilizer.

This machine is designed and manufactured by utilizing supreme grade component and the latest techniques under the expert’s and supervision. It is widely used in hospitals, medical clinics, blood banks, pathological laboratories. ETO sterilizer is used to sterilize medical and pharmaceuticals products that cannot support high temperature steam sterilization.

Features of ETO sterilizer

  • Large sterilizing volume/chamber capacity
  • Modular construction of chamber.
  • Semi Automatic control
  • Low Temperatures steam sterilization
  • High efficiency-destroys microorganisms, including resistant spores.
  • ETO is highly diffusible and will penetrate areas not reached by liquid or steam.